Friday, September 11, 2009

Non-Painting Chronicles

It's Too Nice Outside
I can't help it the weather has been gorgeous and I've been to the beach three times this week surfing, boogie boarding and walking. Hard to believe I was a teacher once who was really hard on homework less students on a Monday morning. Labor day saw a reshuffling of the craft room and the sewing machine was put through its paces after a bit of dusting. I made a super cute penguin and started some new furry travel buddies. I am also a proud owner of a dyson with ball, it drifts it turns, aah the satisfaction of knowing that the war on fleas is going to be fiercely fought with the dust sucking giant on my side. I wanted the lightweight one but the canister was the size of a pepsi litre bottle and I knew it wouldn't be enough. I love emptying it, its very satisfying.
I am drained, another 5 ish awakening by the neighbour taking her dog for a walk. For a second I thought I'll go surfing but I love sleep. Also and this is rather disgusting Sanford (small dog), who has a habit of making himself at home on our bed slept at our feet. When I woke up my foot felt something wet and disgusting. In vain I tried to convince myself it was just the cold sheet being half asleep and all but alas the little man had thrown up on the sheet and I had put my foot in it . I showered my feet before grabbing a load of loo roll and the Oxyclean, my newest friend in the cleaning department. Honestly its great and I don't know how I survived without it. It was a brownish colored puddle and it really didn't smell good at all, not what you want to wake up to at all. The husband proceeded to sleep through this of course. It was only when he got up that I found the other patch with what looked like a divet of grass all matted together. He doesn't have a good sense of smell. So before the crack of dawn or 7am, the bed was stripped, oxycleaned and put in the washing machine. What's the moral of the story ? Don't let your cute dog sleep on your bed? Well, in hindsight if he had thrown up on my new and foolishly white pure wool ikea rug I think I would have been a lot more distressed which as his dog bed sits on top of it, would have been a distinct possibility. We have a chicken a bantam apparently, his feet are furry and he has an owner who said he'd pick him up last Wednesday. Over the last week the neighbours have tried in vain to catch it but the little blighter is hot footed and flies when he has to. So what's wrong with having a chicken hanging out ? Well for one it POOS EVERYWHERE you can barely get in the garage for all the poo drips. No ones feeding him so ....I don't need to elaborate. Two it has started making himself at home on peoples cars, that was the breaking point for the husband. Its one thing to make Sanford throw up because of course he probably ingested some chicken poo but its another thing to mess with the paint work on the Santa Fe. As I write he may be buying a fishing net with which to trap and then release the chicken far, far away where it can live a happy life.

I cleaned all my art brushes finally, I'd let them sit in odorless turps for a while, I know very bad but they don't seem to have suffered unduly. I have painted, honestly but the camera is in the car because I took a picture of the lovely sunset before I went swimming in the sea on Wednesday. It was quite spectacular I wondered why we hadn't gone before but its madness in the Summer.

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